Discover Oristano

Sea in Oristano: Torre Grande

Torre Grande is the marina of Oristano. It is only a few minutes away from the city, lying on the coast north of the Gulf of Oristano and squeezed between the mouth of the Tirso river and the pretty tourist port. It offers the big city a long, equipped golden beach, a shady promenade and a plethora of typical restaurants, souvenir shops and trendy clubs.

For both Oristano’s inhabitants and for the many tourists visiting it, Torre Grande is the ideal destination for a holiday full of swimming, water sports, great food smelling like the sea itself, long walks, skates, concert nights, shows and entertainment for all ages.


Torre Grande's History

Torre Grande (that means Great Tower) owes its name to the main square of its historic center, where the homonymous largest coastal tower in Sardinia stands, built between 1542 and 1572 for defending landings in the Gulf of Oristano and for protecting the mouth of the Tirso, which was being used to infiltrate the city. Despite being built with the role of a “torre de armas”, meaning a “sturdy” tower suitable for heavy defense, starting from the year 1800, Torre Grande was repurposed as a sea traffic light station. For this particular reason, a civilian house was built for the lighthouse keeper in the parade ground, 17 meters above the ground.



The Beach

The beach of Torre Grande is among the most popular in the Oristano area, not only for its beauty but also for being completely accessible for everyone. Indeed, it is fitted with walkways, allowing disabled people to access the beach and all its essential services, including bathrooms and rescue at sea.

The Blue Flag, a banner assigned by the Foundation for Environmental Education (Fee), symbol of environmental quality and of services for bathing, has been waving in this sea village for over ten years now.

Torre Grande has also received the Italian Bandiera Verde (Green Flag) banner from the Italian National Association of Pediatricians for its great suitability for children, due to its services dedicated to families.


The Promenade

The Eleonora d’Arborea promenade runs along the three kilometers of the Spiaggia Torre Grande.

During the day, it is the ideal place for long strolls while cuddled by marine breeze, as well as the perfect location where to rent plenty of swimming equipment for both relax and leisure. During the night, it acts as a point of reference for Oristanese nightlife, with its sea-front restaurants, its many pubs and bar kiosks where you may party, bare-footed, up until the earliest hours of the day.

In colder seasons, the Torre Grande promenade is the ideal destination for a nice walk or for some biking, in the silence of the winter sea. However, during summer, it is usually extremely crowded, as it comes alive with plenty of shows and games for its younger visitors.

Porto turistico Torre Grande


The Port

The tourist port of Torre Grande is among the best equipped ports in all of Sardinia. Its convenient position, within the norther crescent-shaped territory of the Gulf of Oristano, makes it well protected from Sardinia’s dominant winds.

The structure can welcome up to 405 vessels, and provides support for both moorings and departures from both ground and in the sea, maintenance and repairs of boat engines and both indoors and outdoors storage. It is the ideal point of arrival for reaching Oristano by sea, and it is a great starting point for discovering the natural beauties of the gulf and of its surroundings, rich in breath-taking beaches and pristine waters.