
Oristano in Winter

Every season is perfect for visiting the city of Oristano. The city’s ideal position in the Campidano Arborense, between the waters of the Tirso river and the large Gulf of Oristano, together with its mild climate and millenary history, make it an interesting destination all year long, one that will never feel trivial.

With its immense wealth in terms of culture, art, history, nature, sports, and food and wine, Oristano offers its visitors a unique, new and fascinating experience, in all seasons.

One may just think about visiting the old town, the foundations of which date all the way back to the Middle Ages, in order to experience journeys through time made possible by many museums holding millenary treasures, seeing all the artisan workshops of potters telling of an ancient tradition going all the way back to the Neolithic, discovering of works of art preserved within the old walls of civil and religious buildings, being part of historical events held for centuries now, tasting typical dishes of tradition to be served based on seasons… all this is just a small part of what you can do here.

Winter, spring, summer, autumn makes no difference. It is always the right season to discover Oristano.

In this article, you will get to know everything about the best activities for making your winter in Oristano truly memorable.


The Sartiglia

In Oristano, the days going from the last Sunday of Carnival to Shrove Tuesday are the days of the Sartiglia, the horse race evoking ancient medieval Spanish equestrian jousting, with its riders hidden by a mysterious mask, and its harnessed horses, led to a victory gained by conquering the signature Star.

This is such a complex event, made up of rituals which are repeated meticulously as per tradition: the solemn dressing of the Su Componidori, the Sa Remada with the blessing of the crowd, the Corsa alla Stella (Star Joust) marked by drummers and trumpeters, the adrenaline-filled Corsa delle Pariglie, and finally, the undressing of the Su Componidori, which marks the end of the event.

There is no other equestrian show in Sardinia more popular than the Sartiglia.


The Candelora

The most important historical event of the year in the city of Oristano, the Sartiglia, takes place during the winter season.

It all begins with the Candelora feast on February 2nd, an event which involves blessing of candles and candles in churches, symbolizing the light and the overdue end of the winter season.

During the Candelora, the highest authorities supervising all Sartiglia-related operations are chosen: these are the s’Oberaiu Majore del Gremio dei Contadini and the Majorale en Cabo del Gremio dei Falegnami, who will be responsible for appointing their Componidori, the leader of the Sartiglia. This day of celebration is accompanied by traditional almond sweets and toasts, to be tasted while sipping some great Vernaccia di Oristano.


Walk in the Old Town

The crisp temperatures of winter and the sun high in the sky, despite being a sign of this harsh season, are the perfect companions for a walk in the city center of Oristano during the coldest times of the year.

Starting from the central Piazza Duomo, where the ancient Cathedral stands out, through narrow streets between elegant historic buildings, you will get under the statue of Eleonora d’Arborea in the square bearing her own name, and then if you move towards the Torre di Mariano. you may begin to enjoy a colorful itinerary among the ceramics embellishing the corners of the center.

Your visit of Oristano will continue among the artistic and archaeological beauties contained in the Municipal Art Gallery and in the Antiquarium Arborense Museum, finally ending in one of the city’s many welcoming bars and clubs.


Tour of Museums in Oristano

Oristano is really an open-air museum, a city of ancient origins and a glorious past. Walking through the streets of the center, you may admire the architectural testimonies of all the peoples who have come into contact with the city over many millennia.

However, apart from its many palaces, churches and squares, there are numerous museums in Oristano which contain archaeological findings of great importance, as well as works of art which tell of a long-gone Sardinia. For this particular reason, a museum tour is definitely one of the things to do in Oristano in winter.

The main city’s museums are the Antiquarium Arborense, the most important museum in Oristano, and the Arborense Diocesan Museum. To these are added the Carlo Contini Art Gallery and the Ceramics Documentation Center, one of the most important and lively cultural centers in the city.


Christmas and New Year's Eve

As for Christmas and New Year celebrations, Oristano has always offered a calendar full of events involving the whole city, halfway between ancient traditions and fresh modernity.

One of the most important events for New Year’s Eve is the now traditional widespread New Year’s Eve Party, featuring a series of concerts organized in the most important squares of the city with a final show of fireworks.

There is no shortage of traditional Christmas markets, and there’s also a village of Santa Claus for our little visitors and inhabitants. Thus, throughout the entire Christmas period, Oristano is saturated with events which make the city a perfect destination, even during winter.